
Busy, busy, busy.

Hello everyone. Long time no see. It's spring outside. That's why I've been so inactive lately. Last week was just crazy - full of events I had to visit. ISCF (Read about it HERE) from Monday to Tuesday, Wednesday was day off, I was too tired to go to school. Friday was a busy day, but a good evening with friends, we were celebrating my friend's 18th birthday! I enjoyed weekend, it was really good. Yesterday I went to gym. Feels good to be back on track because week before I didn't have so many time as I do right now. So as you suspect - I'm feeling good about life. :) And how about you? I hope that all of you are doing just great!

So today I'm going to share with some photos from last week taken with my phone. I'm sure that some of you who follow me on Instagram have been thinking why I've became so inactive? Well, if somebody is really curious - I feel like I should share less. But I'm not saying that I'm not going to post anything there, I just need to a break from there. I hope that soon I'm going to change my mind. If you're interested about my Instagram, click HERE!

Some while ago dining with family. 

Dessert which we had at ISCF Awards Ceremony.

Spontaneous idea with my best friend Zane.

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