

Christmas Wishlist by happinessvictim featuring wall tattoos
Hey sweetz! How are you? I feel ill, so after posting this I'm going straight to bed! I wanted to make this post about three amazingly inspiring books I haven't read (yet) but it took me about 2 hours to decide how this post is going to look at the end. I found all three books and information about them *I wanted to educate you guys.. joking* and then I wanted to share with those lovely photos I found on google and explain why do I want to own these books. When I started to work with all the info I had, suddenly I had another idea which would let me put all three together so photo of it would look prettier so I decided to make this set on polyvore. Of course those books looked lonely there so I added few another accessories.. And that's how this Christmas wishlist was made! I also added few flowers because today I felt like it.

If we're talking about point this post was about:
 #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso (founder of Nasty Gal) 
IT by Alexa Chung
Girl Online by Zoe Sugg 

I'm happy that one of these gifts I already have been asking for, so there is a big chance that I'm going to own #GIRLBOSS very soon. And I'm most curious about it as well! I've been wanting IT by Alexa Chung for so long, but about Girl Online I just found out today! Both of these books I'm going to buy by myself. As I love fashion world and how it's growing online as well I think that these books will inspire me singly by theirselves.


6 komentāri:

  1. Haha, I also prepared my wishlist well in advance! I recommend you this one site you can create a wishlist and have links and prices and pictures for each thing you list there, and you can share the list with your friends so they can get a hint of what you want ;)


    Have a lovely afternoon Eliza!


    1. Haven't heard about that site before! Thank you for sharing Iulia! <3

  2. I do think everyone should make a wishlist for Christmas. And i also hope everyone`s list will come true

    New post on my blog

