Hey friends! I'm still in that Christmas mood. Maybe that's because I need to think about few gifts I need to make for friends who unexpectedly gave me gifts this year...On Christmas usually I don't receive big gifts but mostly needed things that I've been asking for. Actually I think all of you will agree that the most important gift to give people on Christmas is L O V E and H A P P I N E S S not expensive presents! I can say that I enjoyed Christmas this year to the fullest and all the time I felt so loved, even until yesterday when I with my sister & brother went to see my lovely grandmother who made dinner for us with little cute gifts on plates. Today I'm sharing with few photos:
Christmas morning! Took this photo after breakfast = made this photo in my kitchen. I just love view we have trough kitchen window, no matter if it's winter or summer, it always look magical.
Few gifts from Garnier for my hair & The Body Shop for my face and body. I'm super happy about new hair products because I've been using so many of them and I'm bored of them.. Something new just in time!!! And if we're talking about hair I should visit hairdresser as soon as possible!
I needed new lip balm so badly and this one was in my wishlist for some time: it's The Body Shop Creme Brulee lip balm! Some of you may know that Creme Brulee is my favorite dessert.. :)
I'm super happy about #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso! I'm going to start reading it today. I'm super excited and when I'm going to be done I'm going to share with my thoughts as well with you guys.
Šī grāmata jau kādu laiku ir manā wishlistā - noteikti pastāsti kad izlasi, kā patika ! Nez vai dāvinātājs, šo grāmatu pirka Latvijā?
AtbildētDzēstP.S. Laimīgu jauno 2015, lai tas piedzīvojumiem bagāts, un lai visas vēlēšanās piepildās!!:)
Grāmata tika pasūtīta no Amazon.co.uk kas bija lieliska izvēle, ņemot vērā, ka Latvijā šo grāmatu iegādāties nevar! :)
AtbildētDzēstLiels paldies, ceru, ka arī Tavs gads būs lielisks! Lai visas vēlēšanās piepildās. :)