

Ho, ho, ho. I'm sitting here and looking out of window - it's snow everywhere. For a moment it has stopped to snow. It's amazing feeling to wake up in Christmas morning and everything is white and beautiful. But believe me, I will regret saying all those good words about snow soon. :D I don't like coldness, so actually I'm not a big fan of winter time. Yesterday I celebrated Christmas with family, we had big Christmas tree in our sitting room and we had calm Christmas evening together. I think for a long time finally I'm happy about Christmas time. I'm super energetic. It haven't happened for a long time. I'm really grateful for all the good words I received this year, emotions, smiles & gifts. It's just magical how beautiful Christmas can be if everything in your life is going on great. Lots of love my dear readers, I hope everyone one of you will have amazingly great Christmas time!


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