

Ak, būt mājās pēc nedēļas Tenerifē, Kanāriju salās ir... dīvaini. Trīs reizes lidojot mājās man jautāja '''Ņu, mājās gribās?'' un es katru reizi saviebu seju. Negribējās palikt Tenerifē, jo laikapstākļi bija milzīga vilšanās - lija lietus, okeāna krastā izlikts sarkanais brīdinājuma karodziņš jeb peldēties nedrīkst, spēcīgs vējš no kura vienīgais glābiņš ir atrasties līdz pleciem ūdenī vai savā istabiņā. Pat pie baseina nav aizvēja un stundas divas var pasauļot kājas tikai tad, ja ietērpies trijos hūdijos un šallē ap galvu, ja nē šķiet, ka vēja brāzmas iziet cauri galvai un visas tavas iegūtās zināšanas ielido kādam citam galvā. 

Pagājušo gadu ar ģimeni uz Tenerifi braucām oktobra vidū un katra diena bija saulaina un silta (apmēram +22 grādi katru dienu, vienu dienu braucot uz atvērtajiem okeāna baseiniem temperatūras stabiņš uzkāpa līdz +32 grādiem, bet toreiz gan vējš, gan atvērtie okeāna baseini paglāba no pārkaršanas), debesis bija zilas, zāle zaļa un katra diena, kas netika pavadīta ekskursijās, ah, tā bija lieliska diena melnās, karstās okeāna smiltīs, ar atspirdzinošiem drinkiem rokās un peldi okeānā ik pēc 20 minūtēm. Un ja tas viss apnika tad varēja klausīties ''ananās, ananās, warm beer, sneks'' piedāvājumos, nopirkt piecas pludmales segas vai saulesbrilles un arī izmasēties pie imigrantiem un tieši pie Maikla. Maiklu mums ieteica pludmalē sastapta latviete, sakot, ka viņš no visiem izmasēs vispatīkamāk, jo viņš ''jūtot'' kas katram klientam sāpot un tā arī bija, jo katrs no mūsu ģimenes gulās zem Maikla rokām un padevās viņa valdzinājumam. Un patiešām, tam, kas man sāp visnežēlīgāk (jā, 22 gados tā ir mugura) viņš pievērsās visnežēlīgāk. Nevienu citu masieri pat nemeklējām! Arī tad, kad Maiklam pazvanīja lielās šiškas ziņojot par policiju pāri ielai, viņš atgriezās no sava slēpņa uz okeāna mola un pabeidza savu darbu. Iesaku. 

Tā pozitīvā atmosfēra Adejē, Adejes pludmalē bija fantastico (as they say). Cilvēki viens otram uzsmaida; okeānā dauzoties visi smejas un kad milzīgs vilnis pāriet pāri galvām, viens otru uzlūko, ja kāds aizpeldējis tālāk; tie bērni, kas brauc projām savus mini sērfošanas dēļus nodod citiem bērniem un tā tālāk. Šogad, diemžēl, nevienas tādas dienas nebija. Tās dienas, kad nebija par aukstu, lai nopeldētos pludmalē bija ļoti maz cilvēku. Mēs, protams, neesam mīkstie un vienu dienu pie sarkanā karodziņa ielīdām ūdenī, sarosījās arī citi, kad nosaluši izlīdām ārā pačekot mantas (kuras bija nopūstas ar smiltīm tā, ka pludmales segu vairs nevarēja atrast) atnāca baywatch un visus citus izdzina no ūdens. OK, iesim citu dienu. Pienāca tā cita diena, iPhone solīja lietu no rīta, sauli pēcpusdienā, lietu vakarā. Izstaigājām lielveikalus un devāmies džumīt. Bija apmācies, virs La Gomeras (sala, kas atrodas stundas attālumā no Tenerifes) milzīgs, melns mākonis, bet nebija vēja un bija ūdens silts, lai dodos iekšā cīņā ar viļņiem. Un tas bija amazing. Tā sajūta, ka tev pretī nāk milzīgi viļņi, virs tevis melli mākoņi un tu priecājies cik skaisti, silti, visa ģimene, kas ielīdusi okeānā smejas un priecājas. Pirms gada mēs visi viens otram teicām, ka Tenerife ir mūsu sapņu sala un šī viena reize šogad siltajā ūdenī, dauzoties kā maziem bērniem par to atgādināja. Ka Tenerife IR mūsu sapņu sala, bet tikai uz brīdi. Jo tad sāka pūst vējš un gāzt kā pa Jāņiem un mēs izmirkuši skrējām uz mūsu viesnīcu (te atkal plusiņš, ka izvēlējāmies to pašu viesnīcu, jo tā mums tiešām ir 3 minūšu gājienā no pludmales) un visi salīdām karstās dušās vai zem segām. 

Pirms gada pabijām milzīgā akvaparkā SIAM PARK, kas nudien ir vienkārši 'WOAH' brīžu pilns. Lai arī tajā laikā manas peldēšanas spējas bija apaļa nulle, (kas ir tā, ka es izvēlējos nelīst ūdenī, jo es tiešām nemācēju pat noturēties virs ūdens) es līdu iekšā visur, kur varēju ielīst. Izbraukt cauri milzīgām, garām trubām ar peldriņķi paredzētu četrām personām bija viena no labākajām lietām manā dzīvē. Kaut gan viss, ko es no tā brauciena atceros ir tas, kā četri džeki, kuri brauca pirms mums sāka aurot kā mazi kaķēni, man sāka tricēt kājās un viss! Jau pašai jāsēžas iekšā un jācenšas ar saviem gēla nagiem aiz bailēm nesadurt peldriņķi. Siamas parks bija arī vieta, kur gribēju atgriezties arī šogad, bet ja nespīd saule īsti jēgas nav. Arī LORO PARK ir amazing parks, kurā apskatīt vairāk kā 3500 dzīvniekus un uztaisīt divtik vairāk bildes. It īpaši, ja tev pretī stāv gorilla un sūta bučiņas. Par cik šogad cerējām uz saulainu laiku, izvēlējāmies tikai vienu ekskursiju uz La Gomeras salu ar kuģi, stundas garumā. Ak, mans Dievs, cik ļoti es nožēloju, ka es piekritu, piekritu sev, ka man viss būs OKAY, jo uzkāpjot uz kuģa es jau jutu kā tas šūpojas un ārprātīgā rūkšana, ko izdvesa kuģis mani tā biedēja, ka es sēdēju saķērusi galvu, sajaukusi trīs dažādas jūras slimību zāļu un nomierinošu zāļu kokteili sev vēderā un lasīju kasjauns.lv telefonā cerot, ka tā laiks uz kuģa paies nemanot. Mhmmmmmmm... Beigās man bija tik slikti, ka es vienkārši nesaprotu, ko es daru un ar sareibušu galvu centos atrast tuvāko ceļu uz labierīcībām, jo man šķita, ka es apvemšu visu kuģi. 5 minūtes vēlāk mēs bijām ārā, bet bailes apvemties braucot pa serpentīniem nekur nepazuda, galva griezās, ausis krita ciet, acis miglā, sajūta, ka galvā smadzenes brauc liftā un pa vidu visam negribas ne ēst, ne dzert un šķiet, ka tulīt aizmigšu uz līdzenas vietas. OK mazāk par mani, La Gomera ir brīnišķīga! Neliela un klusa, bet ļoti valdzinošana. Brauc caur serpentīniem, ik pēc 15 minūtēm izlaiž pafotogrāfēties, lec iekšā autobusā, atkal izlaiž, pēkšņi no saules stariem ieej tumšā lietus mežā, gaiss kā tikko pēc lietus, bet nemaz nav lijis. Skaties un brīnies, cik daba ir skaista. La Gomerā paēdām arī pusdienas, kas bija zirņu zupa & cūkas gulašs ar saldētajiem dārzeņiem un rīsiem, mums visiem likās, nu, kā tā var būt, ka pasniedz to, ko mājās, bet kāds no mums arī ieminējās, ka varbūt viņi patiešām (tik vienkārši) arī paši ēd. Smieklīgi, bet tas radīja māju sajūtu. 

Divus vakarus vakariņas ēdām ārpus viesnīcas, abas dienas steiku mājās, bet piedāvājumā ir viss: zivis, steiki, medaljoni, paelljas, risotto, pastas, salāti & klasiska kokteiļu karte. Un visur piedāvājums ir gandrīz identisks, izcelsies tad, ja aiziesi uz McDonaldu vai Subway. Pirmajā vakarā gan devāmies uz restorānu, kas tiešām izskatījās šikāks kā nākamais un tas arī bija mūsu favorīts, jo porcijas bija milzīgas un ēdiens bija lielisks. Tāpat varu ieteikt, ka lielveikalos ir plaša izvēle. Divas dienas devāmies uz SIAM MALL, un man kā lēdijai, kurai ir jānopērk viss, kas nav Latvijas tirzniecībā bija ko redzēt, bija ko nopirkt. Arī pārtikas veikals bija mana mīļākā vieta, jo kur vēl tu nopirksi taizemiešu zupas par 60 centiem vai kokosriekstu/ananāsu sulu par 23 centiem. Jā, dažbrīd aizdomājos, ka ja Latvijā es varu nopirkt divas mini cido suliņas par aptuveni 60 centiem, bet Tenerifē iztērējot to pašu es nopirktu 8 sulas paciņas (Nē, es nepārrēķinājos, 8 sulu komplekts maksāja 60 centus). Protams, šo naudu es varētu ieguldīt arī aliņos vai kādā siera platē. Atkarīgs no garastāvokļa. Bet parfimērijas un kosmētikas veikaliem ir vispār kaut kāds neiedomājamais tax free zonas zelta maliņas aplis apkārt. Yves Saint Laurent smaržas, kurām kāda stilīga žubīte krāj mēnešiem tur maksāja 40, 60, 80EUR no vecākajiem līdz jaunākajiem sezonas papildinājumiem, un tā tālāk. Jā, produkti ir oriģināli un lēti. To gan nevarēs attiecināt uz tūristiem paredzētajiem veikaliņiem, kur 40 centus vērtu aliņu pārdos par 1,40EUR. Tāpat arī alvejas produktiem, kuriem ir ļoti labas atsauksmes ir augstas cenas. Nobeidzot šo sadaļu, iesaku braukt uz Tenerifi ar lielāko koferi, kas Jums ir, jo atpakaļ gribēsies atvest visu. 

Labi, jā. Šogad bija forši. Laiks, kas pavadīts ar ģimeni ir jānovērtē un jāmīl, lai cik ļoti 7 dienas, dien dienā vienam ar otru var nogurdināt, nokaitināt un apnikt. Un es tiešām novērtēju šīs dienas caur visiem kašķiem, smiekliem, asarām, priekiem. Būt ar tiem, kurus tu mīli un cieni; vietā, kuru tu mīli un cauru gadu ilgojies ir neizmērama bagātība, svētība. Tas varbūt izklausās ļoti, ļoti banāli, bet ģimene tev ir un paliks viena mūžīgi mūžos. Tie nebūs draugi, paziņas un kolēģi, kas tevi tā mīlēs un dos kā tava ģimene. Un tieši šie cilvēki arī lietainākos un aukstākos ceļojumus tavā dzīvē padarīs par skaistākajiem. Tomēr, tas nemaina faktu, ka nākamgad vai pēc diviem mēs uz Tenerifi atkal nebrauksim. Mēs tomēr esam vīlušies tajā, ka neviens nav sadedzis sarkans, dabūjis saules dūrienu, ieskalots atvērtajos okeānos, nobrāzies cenšoties tik ārā no okeāna un vēl citi iemesli, kas ar mums šogad nenotika. Nu, ja neņem vērā, ka otrā salas pusē viļņi bija tik lieli un spēcīgi ka no krasta tika līdz daudzstāvu mājai un nonesa balkonus, bet arī tas ar mums nenotika... 

Ceru, ka šis nelielais pārskats deva tev zaļo (vai arī sarkano) gaismu sešu stundu garam lidojumam šaurā lidmašinītē uz Tenerifi, uz kuru iesaku dodies uzcepot 21. kotlešmaizīti, lai nosistu laiku. Vai arī apēd 21. kotlešmaizīti tāpat. Kur tu ieteiktu atpūsties, ja sešu-personu-ģimene vēlas nosauļoties, nodžummīt, labi paēst bez sorbex palīdzības apmēram +25 grādu karstumā un lidojumā, kas nevelkas ilgāk par četrām stundām? Dod ziņu! 



Šodien visur varēja salasīties influenceru raudas, saklausīties un apskatīties par tematu: kāpēc sekotāji nelaiko influenceru bildes (un turpinot: bet aktīvi spiež sirsniņas konkursiem) ? 

Es jau labu laiku domāju par šo tematu, jo nebūt nav pirmā reize kad kāda sociālajos tīklos zināma persona ir iepinkšķējusies par ārprātīgo aktivitāti konkursos & neaktivitāti attiecinātu uz personīgajām bildēm, kurās tiek ielikts vairāk laika un enerģijas, u.c. Vai tik pat liels pinkšķis ir ''Ja tu man atseko uzreiz kā esmu izlozējusi konkursa uzvarētāju - tu neesi man lojāls, es tevi iegaumēšu un nāk. giveaway tu vari droši nepiedalīties''. Jā, dažkārt lasu vai skatos live un man šķiet, ka influenceris, kuram es sekoju man personīgi draud. 

Un es pati brīvajā laikā nodarbojos ar šo bullshitu a.k.a Instagram Influencer. 

Vai man sanāk? Nē. 
Vai es gribu, lai man sanāk? Jā.
Vai es cenšos, lai man izdodos? Jā. 
Vai es tagad spiedīšu sekotājiem laikot manas bildes un fiksēšu katru atsekotāju? What the hell, NĒ

Protams, ka arī man, ļoti maziņam influencerītim, ar nereāli mazu sekotāju skaitu gribas tikt līdz 100 sirsiņām vienai bildei, tad nākamajai un nākamajai bildei, tad augstāk u.t.t., tāpat arī sekotāju skaitu es vēlētos daudz lielāku, bet tikai un vienīgi tāpēc, ka mana persona un saturs sekotājus uzrunātu un arī šobrīd es apzinos, ka sekotāju skaits un sirsniņu daudzums ir attiecīgs tam, cik daudziem interesē mans saturs. Closer to the fucking point - šķiet, ka lielākā daļa influenceru nesaprot, ka viņu sniegtā informācija vienkārši ir neinteresanta, publikai neuzrunājoša, apnicīga, vienveidīga un tā joprojām. Un šeit pastāv arī likumsakarība, ja Influenceris uzspiež būt lojālam sekotājam un spiest sirsniņas netikai konkursu bildēm, bet arī personīgajam saturam, tad sekotājs to dara tikai un vienīgi, lai pastāvētu iespēja, ka Influenceris pamana šo personu un zina, ka no konkursa tā vienkārši izbanot nevarēs, bet tas nenozīmē, ka sekotājiem patiesībā patīk saturs, ko Influenceris piedāvā. Bet ar laiku arī lojālākais sekotājs nogurs no nemitīgās sirsniņu spiešanas, jo tas ir un paliek čekček, it īpaši, ja tev nepatīk saturs, ko tev piedāvā. Piemēram, mani neinteresē mom-to-be vai mamma jau esmu un viss par un ap bērniem bloggeres, tāpēc, ka es neesmu māmiņa un labu brīdi vēl neplānoju par tādu kļūt. Un arī jāpiebilst, ka bērns ir svēta lieta un liela laime, bet man personīgi tas ir nesaistošs saturs un vairāk par ''Apsveicu!'' šīm blogerēm es novēlēt nevaru. Starp mums nepastāv atgriezeniskā saite un mani nereāli kaitina, ja šādas bloggeres iemet storijos ziņu par to, ka sekotājam jāmīl viss Influencera saturs, ne tikai konkurss, bet viss ko es vēlos ir piedalīties konkursā un iegūt to sasodīto sejas krēmu vai dirsas skrubi. Vēl uz sevi varu attiecināt, ka Influenceru saturs ātri apnīk, ja katru dienu tiek publicēts viens un tas pats, piemēram, bloggeres, kuras bieži taisa live storijus, katru rītu publicē savas brokastis vai meikapu, (un tas ir lieliski, you do you girl) blablabla, es to visu jau zinu no galvas un es eju līdzi tavai rutīnai.
Kad savulaik gāju koledžā vienā no lekcijām izvilku ārā telefonu un sāku sarakstīties ar draudzeni, jo šī saruna mani uzrunāja vairāk nekā lekcija. Drīz vien arī blakus sēdošie kursabiedri izvilka telefonus, tad atkal pievērsās lekcijai, līdz mūsu lektors apklusa uz brīdi, ievilka dziļu elpu un teica: ''Tas nekas, cilvēks spēj noturēt uzmanību tikai uz saturu, kas pašam šķiet interesants. Es saprotu, ja jūs neinteresē šī lekcija. Novēroju, ka paceļat galvas tikai kad sadzirdat kādu saistvārdu vai piemēru no dzīves. Uzmanības pārtrūkums.'' Un tā viņš turpināja vēl mazu brīdi, atgādinot, ka mums priekšā eksāmens un pašiem jāizvēlas, kam veltīt uzmanību: tālrunim vai lekcijai. Bet dzīvē man nav jāizvēlas eksāmens vai tālrunis, bet gan tas, kas mani interesē un cik ilgi es uz to gribu skatīties. Un te arī var attiecināt pārlieko storiju bāšānu Instagram, jo es nespēju noskatīties tos visus + citu Influenceru storijus. Es noskatīšos pirmo, otro un trešo un tad swipe next to the next. Bet, ja storiji būs no 3 līdz 6 dienā tad es tos spēšu noskatīties, jo informācija būs pietiekami viegli uztverama un man tam visam pietiks laiks. Es ticu, ka es neesmu vienīgais indivīds uz zemes virsas, kura smadzenes darbojas šādi: salīdziniet cik skatītāju ir 1. storijam, ko ieliekat un 20. storijam. Skatītāju skaits krītas, jo sekotājiem apnīk saturs. 

Un tad manas domas par to, ka influenceris cenšas priekš šīm bildēm un viņš vairāk priecātos par 1000 sirsniņām pie savas bildes, nevis 1000 pie konkursa bildes, jo savā bildē viņš ir ielicis vairāk. Un tas ir OK, protams, jo ja tu kaut ko dari no sirds un tev tas patīk, tu centīsies nofotogrāfēt un sa-editot visskaistāko bildi, kuru tik pat labi varētu pat izprintēt un pie sienas rāmī glāstīt, jo katrs vēlas, lai viņa darbu novērtē. Vai tu novērtētu to, ka tavas bildes ielaiko tikai tāpēc, lai tavs sekotājs varētu tev pierādīt, ka ir lojāls, kaut arī viņam NEPATĪK VAI NEUZRUNĀ tava bilde? Kāda vērtība ir šai sirsniņai, kas ir totāls čekček? Wow, vai tiešām mums visiem: gan influenceriem, gan parastajiem mirstīgajiem tā sirsniņa ir tik svarīga? Tik svarīga, lai pievienotu savam 20. storijam vēl vienu par to, ka Influenceri ir pelnījuši vairāk sirsniņu? Man tas šķiet ļoti skumji. Es apsolos visiem bloggeru Dieviem nekad, nekad nečīkstēt par sekotāju vai sirsniņu skaitu, jo es novērtēju arī tos 400 esošos un zūdošos cilvēkus, kuriem interesē mans saturs vienkārši tāpat. Es veltīšu laiku zem bildes pievienojot 30 haštagus (jā, daudziem tieši šis liekas super lame thing to do, bet vismaz es tev neskrienu virsū ar ''beidziet man atsekot!'' vai ''piesekooo man!'') , lai cilvēki, kuri meklē attiecīgu haštag-saturu mani var atrast un piesekot, ja vien paši to VĒLAS. Un kļūt par ilgtermiņa sekotāju tāpēc, ka interesē. Un spiest sirsniņas, jo viņiem patīk saturs.

Kāds tam visam sakars ar konkursiem? Jo augstāk jau minēju, ka esmu dzirdējusi, ka kāda zināma persona publiski ziņo par lielo bēdu, ka pēc konkursa uzreiz pazūd ducis sekotāju. (Un ''es tevi ievēroju, vari vairs nepiedalīties!'' vai apmēram tāda ideja teiktajam.) Un cik tas ir negodīgi, ka Influencera rokās nonāk sponsoru konkursa iespējas vai pats Influenceris veido konkursu, kurā var laimēt tiešām lieliskas un vērtīgas lietas, kuras kāda sirds tiešām ļoti, ļoti vēlas, bet nu šo cilvēku neinteresē tava dzīve, tas ko tu dari, tas ar ko tu dalies, bet viņš vēlas piedalīties tavā konkursā. Jo mēs tomēr dzīvojam valstī kurā dažiem no mums ir viss, bet dažiem nav nekas. Un skriešana pakaļ uzvarai ir norma, par kuru pīkstēt (nu, tieši par atsekošanu pēc uzvarētāja paziņošanas) Influencerim ir bēdīgi. Galu galā tieši šie cilvēki dzīvo sponsoru dāvanās, kuras parastam cilvēkam varbūt sapņos rādas. Tātad - ja tu kaut ko dzīvē dari tad dari to SEV (jo galu galā tu arī dzīvo sev) un ja tu no sirds gribi kādam dāvāt brīnišķīgu dāvanu tad beidz čīkstēt, ka tev lērums vēlāk ir atsekojis. Bet, ja kāds vēl grib raudāt par to, ka personīgais saturs netiek novērtēts tik, cik labi tiek novērtēts konkurss tad - ja jau mēs influencerus ņemam tik nopietni, tad pret viņu darbu ir jāizturas tik pat nopietni kā pret jebkura mūziķa, dzejnieka vai cita mākslinieka darbu. Ehem, te nu es domāju par to, ka ne katra dziesma un grāmata tiek novērtēta, lai cik ļoti autors ir centies. Bet es arī nekad neesmu redzējusi ka Džastins Bībers Instagram Live gruzītos par to, ka viņš ir gaidījis lielāku atsaucību uz Baby.

Tātad lielās šiškas jeb lielie Influenceri, lūdzu, pārstājiet gruzīt savus sekotājus, dariet savu darbu (vai hobiju) no sirds un ar prieku, priecājieties par to socioālo vidi, kas jums apkārt jau IR uzbūvēta. KĀPĒC? Vai tad, kad jūs noliekat telefonu un uz brīdi aizmirsti par sociālo pasauli (kura, tas tā, ja nebija nojausma... var pazust jebkurā brīdī) un atgriezies realitātē - vai tu esi laimīgs? Vai sirsniņas un komentāri dara tevi laimīgu? Vai tomēr realitāte jeb tava ģimene, tavi draugi, četri gadalaiki, siltas pusdienas, silta sega un tējas krūze, brīvdienas pie jūras vai jeb kas cits tevi dara laimīgu? 

P.S. nevienu konkrētu personu šeit neesmu minējusi tāpēc, lūdzu, neizdomāsim, ka es šeit kādu esmu noheitojusi. + neesmu neko nopietnu, iespējami lielākai publikai rakstījusi (un nopietni) pāris gadus. beidzot 12. klasi latviešu valodā saņēmu knapu 6 vai 7 desmit ballu skalā jeb komati noteikti nebūs tur, kur jābūt un būs tur, kur nav jābūt. 
P.S.S vari turpināt ar savām pārdomām lejā komentāru sekcijā, bet ja tevī iekšā ir naids vai baigā dusma par šo (noteikti gadījumā, ja būsi paņēmis šo pārāk personiski) tad uzvelc savus sporta apavus un aidā ārā skriet, jo šeit mēs nekašķēsimies! (Sincerely, me) 



It's just a little bit sad that I'm writing this just now. But I still remember this trip like we came home yesterday. We always travel together with my sister and auntie, but this time was special and different as this was our first trip for all of us as a family. First flight for our mom and brother, first vacation for our daddy and first family vacay for all of us. Me, my sister & brother, my parents and auntie. Best time we have had in a while. 

It all started buzzing around house day before, last things to throw in suitcases, last things to remind our grandma as she watched house as we left and for me last check-ups: nails & hair. For the first time ever I decided that I want my manicure to be gel nails. So I went to capital city in the morning to get my nails done by amazing nail specialist. I decided that little bit longer than usual and light pink will be amazing choice as I will get tanned and brown. Check! Came home and after short while my hair dresser was at my house highlighting my blonde hair. Long story short I'm ready. Went out to tell some of my friends that I'm leaving for a week. As usual nobody knew. 
Early morning, no breakfast for me, everybody stressing around the house trying our best no to kill each other, made some coffee to go, went out for some smoke, daddy is stressing and kinda mad, I don't know why, but still we smoke our cigarettes and wait for his colleague to come pick us up and take to the airport. Before that we pick up our aunt and in the airport meet with my sister. We take some drinks and small breakfast, more coffee. We're in time. So soon we're ready to get in airplane. Mom was really afraid of flying. She was asking me before that so many questions: what if, what if! Soon our airplane went up in the sky and mom was like: ''That's it?'' Easy and breezy. 
After 6 hour long flight we landed safely. We stayed at Hotel Troya in Adeje. Our rooms were nice, not too big, not too small, but view of balcony was amazing. My and sisters view wasn't that wide, we got to see main street and McDonalds, BUT we also saw the ocean. And palm trees. We checked in our hotel, got comfy, went out for some lunch. Small, but amazing place near hotel served us pizza and pasta, cocktails and perfect view of main street and beach. It was so warm, like first days of summer in Latvia (how I miss those hot, sunny days) and while we were lunching our family friends just drove past us yelling: ''Hello, dear friends!'' What a feeling to see your family members at the same place. They stopped by and we decided to meet up that night. After lunch we went to the beach, just to check how warm water is. Adeje beach and the spot in front of Hotel Troya was perfect. Water was warm. We took first photos. Sun was shinning right in our eyes, sand was burning our foot and we were telling to ourselves ''Wow, woah. It's amazing here!'' And what a relief that a flight was safe and sound for parents and my brother. In the evening we dress up and went out to the bar/club next to our hotel to meet up with our family friends. We drank cocktails and they told us how they first days went. It was warm even thought in was dark already. Club music and sound of the ocean. It was amazing. 
In the next day we ate breakfast, changed to swimwear and went to the beach. Swimming in the ocean for the first time in my life. Water was so warm. Local sellers buzz around and yells ''Wrap 30EUR, cheap wraps, many colors''; ''Watermelon, watermelon, melon, banana!'' and offer to buy production from them. But of course we know how to bargain. We just sat in warm sand and enjoyed warm sunshine. Drank some drinks, chatted, time by time went in the ocean. Relax. Take it easy. That's how I would describe our first day.  
On next day we went out to the Siam Park which was ah-mazing! All the attractions, pools, slides were huge and fun! I've never had such a fun in any water park ever, Siam Park had slides for 4 persons to join, most enormous turns and up side down adventures. Also views, pools and beach there was beautiful. Food was great. It's really one of those places where you can spend all your day in. So much to do, so much to see. We and kids had so fun times there. Especially in The Wave Palace! Those waves in that pool...  I don't know how to swim. All the waves on top of me and I'm barely breathing but still I didn't leave because it was so fun! Everybody screaming and laughing, it was such an adrenaline. On other day we went to the Loro Park where it houses an extensive and diverse reserve of animal species. Also another day full of adventures! We went to so many shows in one day! It was so cool, especially because we had our own guide Hose. Not only he knew the best places to go and show us, but also all the stories! And let's not forget about all the stories he told us about himself. And the past part that he lived for few years in our homeland Latvia! What a coincidence! One of those days he even asked out my auntie, but she decided to stay in... On the same day when we went home we lost track and somehow ended 4km away from our hotel. But after some hike together we were back on the track and went to the dinner! Actually, when it's so sunny and warm it doesn't make that big of a deal if somethings goes wrong. There was a day when we met with Hose and he took us to the open pools in the ocean. What a views. What a experience. That day it was really hot: around 32 degrees by Celsius. Also it was little bit windy but the ocean and waves were incredible! Haven't seen nothing like that in my life. Half of open pools where closed because of dangerously huge waves. We went to other ones. Blue water and foaming waves around us, sun is burning and water in pools refreshingly cold. Half of our family went in for a swim, also my brother and sister. Then suddenly huge wave comes in front of them and my brother who at that moment was holding on rock just went three metres away from it under water. Foaming water all around and we can't see anybody around, but still people are not only screaming but laughing too. But I understood that it's not safe as I don't see my only siblings. We saw our family friends but there was no clue where's my brother and sister. After 3 minutes of screaming ''Where's brother, where's sister, check on them!!!'' My brother gets out of the water crying that he just hit his ass against rock, he was a little bit shocked too. But still there was no clue where's my sister. And I'm screaming and screaming that somebody should check on her. Few minutes after Marta is yelling that my sister is in another pool safe. Me and daddy still remember that moment and shock, even tho everybody was fine after all it was so scary. The ocean is powerful and I get why you shouldn't joke around near it. After our pool day Hose took us to seafood restaurant where me and sister drank aperol spritz and ate real paella. Spanish food is excellent! Never I've ate paella as tasty as in Tenerife and Mallorca back in days. Also restaurant was above ocean and we sat in the most beautiful place with amazing view. Few airplanes flew above is reminding that this dream is coming to an end, but we managed to drink more cocktails to forget about it, haha! After our dinner we switched cars and me, my sis and brother went to the hotel in cabriolet, roof off and hair in the wind. What a dream. As we where 7 adults and 3 kids we called our group ''La Familia'' and whenever we went out for dinner or to the beach we really seemed like one big family. And loud one too. One evening we went to our family friends to their apartments for sea food evening. It was lovely night. We ate so many prawns. They were so good. Mmm. That same day before we went to Masca, if ever in Tenerife one of the must see places. Especially because of cactus flower ice cream which is served in small cafe and it front of you there's mountains and ravines, and far away the ocean. Our hotel also had train which goes all around main street to the port and back, so daddy one of those evening made amazing surprise for us. Of course just jumping in and sitting there would be boring. We waited and waited for mini train and when it came we jumped in and got comfy when suddenly daddy takes out whiskey, coca-cola and ice out of his bag, moments later we all are having cold cocktails and strolling around Tenerife, also with some chorizo in our hands! It was such a fun surprise, we had such a fun! Miss that night. 
Without our adventures Tenerife is amazing place where to shop souvenirs, make-up and perfume. There was amazingly nice thrift shops as well as shopping stores. When we were tired of beaching we just scrolled around shops and main street. Also there was amazing places where to eat, but mostly we ate at our hotel. Main street was full of clubs and bars, also cafes and restaurants. Me and my sister, just two of us went to the Hard Rock as well, even tho it was closing by the time we got there. There was so many places where to go, so many things to see. People also seemed to be happy and helpful. Only, there were also people who... Well, they were way too intrusive. All the British guys who yells: ''Come here to party, I will give you discount''; ''This is the best bar, come here'', etc to represent their working place were mean after we said no to them. But me and my sis, as we are flaming hot headed Latvians didn't own them a single word. Ain't no pussies here, just a pussy power! Overall, as I always mention all the best parts and little critic about places I've visited, I can say that Tenerife is place to visit at least once in a lifetime! And it's so colourful that it will be fun for family trip, romantic trip just for two of you and also it's safe to visit it by yourself, alone. You will find what to do, see and feel there in any company. It's one of those places where I pinched myself time by time reminding myself this is not a dream, this is reality! And I'm here with people I love the most - my family. And we're happy here, I think the happiest we have ever been as a family...

xx, Happiness Victim Blog



Hey sweethearts, long time no see, right? I've been thinking about making this post as I've so many products that have taken place in my heart lately so I decided why not? So today I'm going to share some photos and short captions for you! Enjoy and tell me about your latest faves...

CLUSE WATCHES. I've been fan of Olivia Burton for long time but as I got chance to get something from Cluse I decided to take this baby home. And I'm in love with this la bohème mesh rose gold baby, it suits most of my wardrobe which is great! Click HERE to get it!

THE BALM. Meet Matt(e) Hughes in shade Loyal. My first matte lipstick from this brand and oh-my-god that peppermint aroma which takes over all over my face is amazingly good. I'm not gonna say that I love this lipstick, I adore it. This shade is definitely my favourite shade ever, persistence is 10/10 and as I said it smells amazing. Recommend it!

CALVIN KLEIN. Sheer beauty has been my all the time favourite perfume I've ever had. It's light and fun, but as far as I know they don't make it anymore? idk, but Sheer Beauty Essence is almost as good as Sheer Beauty itself. This perfume is more fall-ish, sweeter & heaver. Love it!

CALVIN KLEIN. There's a story behind how I got this. I was looking for Elizabeth Arden White Tea as I got the same hand cream and it's gorgeous. But our saleswoman told me ''Well, this is so not you. You're as fun & light as this ck2 by Calvin Klein!'' and she was so right, because this perfume is fresh, little bit sweet and fun! Whenever I look at it my heart melts because I love it.  

ESTÊE LAUDER. Eye cream, stay-in-place eye pencil and mascara. Eye cream is great, eye pencil is persistent and all the ''wow's'' goes to the mascara! Makes my eyelashes look huge and I love that look on me. Also it doesn't brush around my eyes hours later. Great choice, recommend it! 

LYRA GEMS. This bracelet have been in my wishlist for a while! Lyra Gems have amazing bracelet collection for everyone and also they've cute earrings as well. I love those tassel earrings, they suit me very well. Check out their bracelets HERE! Also to keep updated here's and Instagram page of Lyra Gems.

ALOE VERA. Got these pieces-of-gold in Tenerife! Face and body cream is rich and moisturises my skin well, lip balm have that minty feeling when applied on lips, but mousse is my all the time favourite as it looks like gel in the tube but comes out as a foam! Skin feels amazing after pampering it with these goods. Recommend it! 

So that's it for now! I hope that this post was interesting for you and somehow useful as well. As Christmas time is coming part of these favourites could be present to yourself or someone who you love! Treat yourself and your loved ones as well. December is so close... Talk to you later, xx Elizabete.



Hi! I hope if you're reading this - you're fine. And if not, eventually you'll be.

I wanted to talk about something that have been with me for past few years. At least that's how it feels. I don't remember when it started and how it all started, from where it came and who I should blame besides myself.
  1. The thing is that this point of my life is one of the best moments in my life. This is the peak as I'm 21 year old, almost graduated from college and coming closer to other achievements. I don't want to talk about all of the things I'm planning, but there are a lot of them for sure. This is the best moment, right here, right now and I'm really grateful for all I've. I'm still living with my parents which let me save some amount for school for which I pay by myself now. And basically all the money I own goes to school & my personal needs such as beauty and clothes, hair care, etc. 
  2. This moment in my life is the best moment also because I've the best people around me. I've great communication between me and people I've known for past few years or people who have became my friends lately. I feel support. I know that someone somewhere will always be here for me. As well as my family. And even if there is someone who I've been calling my friend for decades decided to fuck over me in the worst way - no biggie, not the first time, not the last either. Doesn't make sense who betrays you, the only thing I'm letting in my life is loyalty and love. 
  3. Overall, being 21 right now is the peak of my life right now - the best opportunities, new people, new offers, living in safe environment, being healthy, having great family. I appreciate everything I have. Also this point includes finding someone special in your life. In some ways. Not that I desperately need someone to wake up next to every morning, someone to fall asleep with, someone to hug & kiss. Someone with who to make future plans. Because 21 might be way to early right now, but at the same time it's not like life isn't giving me this opportunity. Life have introduced me to plenty amazing men. All of them are amazing example for great loving relationship, but only if you're longing for love or that warm feeling. I want that but also it's way too less for me. I want stability financially, calm life in our home and huge plans for future. I don't need relationship where men gives me love and happiness, but at the same time boldly drinks or use anything else of drugs, who loves to party all the time and who's irresponsible, unaccountable, and also doesn't have future plans. There have to be goals. And all of those points I just made are part of men I just mentioned. 
You see, life is good. Life gives me all the chances to make my life complete in some ways. In some ways more than other ways. It's good. Life is good. But back to the point this post was about - lack of passion is killing me. There ain't no passion for me to do anything. I had to graduate from college 5 months ago but I was too tired and emotionally devastated to make any assignments. There have been other things that I should be done by this time of my life and I simply haven't felt inspired enough. I'm all the time tired, angry or sad. Exhausted. And at the same time I look at my friends who get to their goals all the time, they're happy, successful, in a great relationship, in a great job, everything just seems to be way better than it is in my life. I'm not envy. I just don't understand how did I went here from being happy & successful to being tired & unsuccessful. And how comes that those people who works but also binge drinks and makes their life shit - looks so happy and thankful?
Every morning I wake up and first thing in my head is - do I belong here? Do I belong with people around me? Some of them are bad influence to me, some of them are way too good for me. And secondly, my other thought is that I'm happy for everything I have. Grateful. But still sad inside. Really, really sad time by time. Really hopeless time by time. Tired every morning. Not where I wanted to be at this moment in my life. My seasonal depression comes to say ''hi!'' to me time by time. As I'm getting older it's coming to say ''hi!'' way more often. To the point that I feel like it's part of me, integral part of me & myself. And I know that eventually I will get better. Like all of us. But living with this dark part under my skin feels empty.

If you've the same experience or something makes you feel in some ways like this makes me feel - feel free to comment below and share with your thoughts. If you feel alone - you're not. I'm here with you, with all of us who feel the same time by time. Have a great day whoever read this!

xx, Happiness Victim 



As usual every vacation for us starts with a ''you sure you didn't told anybody?'' because me & sister likes to keep our plans as a secrets. At least our vacation plans. :) We knew where we're going to, when, where we are staying at, we knew everything for almost half of a year. And this year there was a twist... My best, best guy-friend also known as Alberts was coming with us! What could be better? I don't know... Like, um... Let's stick with Alberts was the best decision we made!
We have already visited Cyprus few years ago and I was super excited because it's one of my favorite places where I've been. First time we stayed at Oscar Five Star Hotel and it was amazing experience, but this time we stayed in another region in Cyprus, to specify we stayed in Famagusta which is amazing city, but in my eyes not as beautiful as Kyrenia was. This time we stayed in Salamis Bay Conti Resort Hotel, we arrived pretty late, checked in, got cozy in our rooms and had some sleep. In the morning we woke up for breakfast and then we were ready for some rest next to the pool! We had all inclusive so that meant only one thing - drinking cocktails all day and all night. That feeling when you simply lay down next to a pool with a beautiful sea view with cocktail in your hand, sun is shining, all the conversations are positive, people around are happy... It's something amazing. I can't describe how it makes me feel.
As me, my sister and my auntie are all pretty big personalities we always fight over dumbest things ever. And also big part of that is our dark humour and sarcastic jokes that we make and if one of us doesn't feel the vibe it can get out of hands. So this time we took with us one of my best friends Alberts because we needed a man who would be able to hand us all and at the same time someone who is positive and funny to make it all way chill because as I said all of us, women's, are pretty insane and spontaneous. And it all went great! In the third day we had excursion around Ghost City = Famagusta and also spots we had visited before as I, the smart one, understood after I started to get those deja vu moments and I was like, ''darling, auntie? I'm pretty sure we have been here already!'' so at the end, even though I was a little bit pissed because that excursion was pretty boring (the best part, of course, was lunch part) I said to my aunt - next time we visited countries we've already been in, please, let me choose what to see or to specify - let me choose excursions. It was the one and only excursion we had all the week and did we regret? Oh, hell no! Why? Let me continue.
This part of the story is probably my favorite one. In the second day around the pool we saw pretty handsome guy bringing cocktails to his wife and I was saying to myself: ''you know what? no! this time you'll not give a shit about any male in here, you simply don't give a fuck! you'll get ready each night for yourself and you're going to be the sassy lady who don't need any male human in her life (right now) so don't even look at him, don't fucking fall for him and don't ruin your vacay darling!'' and as I said these wonderful, inspiring words to myself out of nowhere my auntie loudly asks ''are those cocktails good?'' and I'm like, what the actual fuck, is he Latvian? And yes, he is. But I'm like ''you know what I don't even like married guys'' and for real it has never been my thing so I don't bother how do I look next to that pool until the evening came. We went to the dinner, ate some amazing food, had some drinks and then went outside to the terrace for some drinks. My sister, my bestie and me - we all are pretty hardcore smokers so we went to another table so we don't bother our auntie with all the smoke going up in the air and the same guy comes to us, introduces himself, we introduce ourselves and I sit there looking at my phone while smoking my cigarette not saying any word because all of them talks about gambling which somehow have been or are right now part of their lives and I'm there like the sweet young girl who don't do drugs, don't do gambling, high standarts, high class and all of that in my mind not easy money and games but somehow we all are so drunk that we all go back to our aunts table and decide to go to the casino next to the hotel. Five minutes later me with auntie leaves the most luxury toilet room I've seen, diving in to world of gambling machines and poker tables, and shit like that and we're like ''shit, none of us have ever played'' and there is just two of us because our company are lost and we, drunk, in the second night make a call even though it costs shit yelling at my sister ''where the fuck are you'' and she's coming after us and we dive into another world while Alberts plays something on the table and we just watch. Few moments later he have won his money, we leave and me, as I've drank so much I have become extra sassy and after our bathroom talk with auntie, I ask to the new-guy: ''so, my auntie have only 2 questions: how old are you and are you married?'' and he's smiling and saying ''well, I'm free and 23'' AND THE NEW LOVE STORY BEGINS! All of us takes more drinks and starts to talk way more openly about different topics. Also about love and relationships. Then this guy decides to play game with cards and the next thing I remember that he ask my sister ''have you ever had threesome?'' and later the same question pops in my direction. When he leaves for a moment me and my sister decide that I can take him (yes, we had this conversation) and again, I, strong independent woman who doesn't needs anybody starts to play games with this male. Of course, it all wasn't as beautiful and easy as you imagine, because my auntie yells at us: ''wtf, Harald, don't be dumb to fall for her! she don't need you at all, take her sister'' and texts like these pops out of her all the night until the next thing I remember is that we're at my place, just three of us and she says: ''just take my room and do what you have to do, I'm going to stay at yours'' and I'm like, ''Jesus fucking Christ, thank you, but no, I'm not that easy'' and the young male seems to be a little bit disappointed, but we continue to drink and talk until my auntie almost falls out of the balcony, so we decide that we should all rest. My auntie goes to her room, we go downstairs to the terrace and sat there with super romantic view in front of us but to be honest we were super drunk and I don't remember that much from first night we had together and to be honest, the rest of the days ain't that interesting as well, at least, for you guys, because there was simply nights when we all went out on the terrace to exchange with our opinions and later when we were just two we just talked about life, past & a little bit of future in a flirt vibe. Even tho-, I had mini crush on him as he wasn't one of those guys who acts out, also doesn't drink until another persons shows out of him, have great future plans, also he seemed to be loving and respectful to a woman -- simply seems to be nice guy and in my eyes he's simply handsome looking male. In the last days I didn't see this male too much so I just spent time together with my dear auntie, my sister & best friend. We had so much fun, we went out to sunbathe, drank cocktails, talked to the staff and other people, we simply had week full of good energy and positive emotions. My sister and best friend also got burned because sun was too intensive one of these days, oh my oh, of course Alberts is a ''little bitch'' in SOME WAYS, baby if you're reading this please don't get mad at me, hahah, but he was like ''ugh, I'm sunburned. not gonna drink tonight'' baby, no, it will not help!!! Anyway, as I remember our time together - I can't imagine another person than Alberts in our trip. As we know each other for about 5 years and have another dimension connection we always make fun of each other and we always laugh about the dumbest things ever, I can't even describe our vibe, but it's good. Whenever I was a little bit too tired I was like, ''eh, gotta chill with my bestie for about 15 minutes and I'm going to be fine'' and I think all of us, girls, was thinking like that, because he's so positive! So back to the point I was talking about, they got the worse sunburn I've ever seen, my sisters eyeballs were red, I can't. That was one of those days when I felt so bad because of my ears and little bit of hangover so I went out few hours later and thankfully didn't get sunburn! Oh. Also did I mention my relationships with all the staff members? One of them named Isa proposed to me, I still have the ring. Another one told me to come back and promised to change all the paintings with photos of me, he was simply amazing. And again what can I say - all the males there and all attention you feel, oh my oh...  One of our photographers even asked for kiss & told me to come on a trip with him to his hometown right in that moment, haha. On the last day me and my sister went out to make some photos & swim in the sea and I think - for the first time ever I wen't for a swim on my vacation because as I don't know how to swim I don't feel comfortable in water. And it was amazing, water there was so warm and light blue, we went in to make photos and later to just fool around - it was amazing to be there right at that moment. Also later all of us three rebels went for a hike to visit abandoned water park, to be honest, firstly we wanted to check abandoned house/hotel next to us, but, as we got closer- there were people on the floor, some sleeping, some eating so we were like, ''shit, let's continue our trip'' and oh wow, territory around our hotel was so dirty, I can't describe. People living in a paradise, but it's too hard to pick your shit up? Whatever, soon we approached abandoned waterpark which somehow wasn't abandoned. So we went back, even tho it was about 20 minutes long trip - it was our last day there and everything we did was worth it. In the evening they had huge party in the hotel, and by huge I mean HUGE! Alberts met up with our other male and they went out to party, but we ladies decided to stay in for some drink in our room, few minutes later all of us yelled at each other and au revoir all the positive energy because we all got in a huge fight! :) Also as I am not a morning person and we had to woke up around 2-3 AM because of our flight I decided to skip drinks and went to my bed, we packed all of our things few hours before going out so I was super happy to smoke my night cigarette & go to sleep. In the morning we ate breakfast, almost did not talk to each other and went to the buss. Quick chat with other Latvians and we were ready to go. We had to flights from Cyprus to Istanbul and from Istanbul to Latvia. Of course I wasn't happy at all because of my ear problems, but anyway, I had the best time in my life there - with the right people, in the right place. Warm weather, amazingly great food, funniest people around me, comfort, beautiful views, the best vacation... And of once again I would love to visit Cyprus again and I know, eventually I will! Because once again I left my t-shirt there. Fuck! Hope it was interesting to read how it all went and what we went trough and I hope you're having amazing day! :-)

P.S. Remember that male guy I was talking about? When we landed he texted me: ''Well, thank you and have a nice life.'' or something like that AND I'VE NEVER HEARD ANYTHING from him! ka-boom! But as my auntie said to him in the first evening we met ''She don't need you darling, she's just playing with you.'' and now I think, who am I kidding, I am who I am and (right now) I don't need anybody in my life. I don't even feel mad, it's his loss even tho- what loss if we both just had fun there and here we don't care about each other! Riiiiiight?
Keep your head up, ladies!