

Hello! It's so hot outside! I went to sunbathe a little bit and enjoyed some fun in pool we have here at home. Also today I'm babysitting (well.. no I'm not babysitting because they're old enough to do whatever they want) my cousins. I haven't seen my friends since I went home after Positivus (ok, we met each other day after festival) but it's ok, I'm trying to enjoy myself. Yesterday I went for a walk all alone. Just me and my music. And if we're talking about music and friends => Positivus!! Positivus was my first festival ever (!!) so I didn't expect ANYTHING! And I'm so grateful, that somehow I've learned to calm down and enjoy moments of life. So when we arrived Friday it was really hot outside. I was all sweaty but excited because I knew that party just have begun. Also Saturday was hot, but we with my bestie Lāsma went to shower which was cheaper than showers they had in festival. Whatsoever, at least Sunday was not that hot.. For a moment. It started to rain and it was so windy! Also it was really cold after rain, but when we went to the festival territory it was warm & sunny again. ok, let's stop talking about weather -> we met few new people, we met people we already knew; we danced, we kissed, we smoked, we're drunk, we're happy & mad, we're ourselves and we're crazy. I enjoyed You me at six, Ellie Goulding, The Velvet Supernova (group from Latvia, which me & my friends love!) Bastille and The 1975!!! Well, fuck, now I know what means fangirling. Sure I loved them before I knew that they're going to be at Positivus and sure I was fan then, but when they came on the stage I yelled like crazy!! It's most amazing feeling to see someone so close when you've dreamed about it for so long.. ok, I'm becoming too banal. Overall, they had the best show (in my eyes) and I'm sure that in future I'm going to see them live again! Also I lost my phone during festival but I got it back thanks to the woman who found it and kept it till I came for it! *Thank you again if you're read ing this but I'm sure that you're not reading this* And from now I know that Positivus - it's going to be tradition! No matter what I want to be there every year. 

Just 2 photos from Positivus. Hope that few more are coming!

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