Hello! How are you? Hope you're doing just fine. Oh, last days have been so relaxing. I've been home doing nothing. I went to work from Saturday to Tuesday with one day off. So on days when I don't have to go to work I just relax at home. Except, on Tuesday evening I went to celebrate midsummer with few of my friends. I went home early because I was tired and wet - it was raining all day, all night. I can't withstand rain. Seriously, June in Latvia have never been so cold and wet and windy. I can't wait for the moment when it's going to be warm and sunny. No, not just warm but hot and sunny! I love summer and it should be sunny and hot, not rainy. So, because of weather mostly I spend my time at home when it's cold and rainy, because what else can I do? I just make tea and turn on my computer and watch some episodes of Orange Is the New Black. Seriously, it's so good! Do you watch it? What do you think? Also I'm trying to get to know my new baby - MacBook Air. I've always wanted mac but I've always been afraid of it. Like, it's so easy to work with Windows system and I've been using Windows since I was 11 years old. But now, after 8 years it's time to use another system. Will see how good we'll maintain good relationship! Today I'm sharing with few snaps I have made lately.
One of our three kittens we have at home right now! Sure thing that we'll give them away as usual, but my heart hurts a bit when I think about it. I know that it's childish to care so much, because I know that I will say goodbye to them anyway, but they all got so little lovely hearts inside of them and every morning when I bring breakfast and say 'čauuu' to all of them they jump out of their bed and come to me. Everyone deserves a kiss and hug. And then they eat breakfast. I really love them all, I care about them so much that it breaks my heart knowing that soon they all will have new home. And it happens every fucking year. Oh well.
My new baby MacBook Air and breakfast smoothie.
Breakfast smoothie this morning: 2 bananas, few strawnberries, few wild strawnberries, cinnamon, mint leaves + ice. It was super tasty!