

Good morning! I'm at home right now, but I'm going to school soon. Weather is just amazing - sunny & warm, really enjoyable. When it's so sunny outside I've energy to eat healthier and do gymnastics more. As usually yesterday I went to gym, it's my Monday tradition lately and I'm trying to eat healthy. I really want to feel good about myself - not only external, also internally. It's the right time to do something good for myself. 
I'm going to share with few photos from my Instagram acount. Enjoy! 

Drinking something expensive but unlikely strong and unpalatable, haha. 

Dinner with family at restaurant Riviera <3

Macaroons - the best thing ever!

Clutch from Ted Baker! Love it!!!

Strawnberries from my brother to me as greeting because of Woman's Day. Love my little brother <3 

Wishing to you all sunny & productive week!

7 komentāri:

  1. Looks like the perfect day out. So thoughtfull & sweet of your brother! i come undone

  2. The weather's been really amazing lately and I'm loving it! Great photos , those macaroons looks yummy <33

    1. Weather is amazingly here in Latvia, hope that it's as good as here in where you live too! And macaroons were just wonderful, oh my oh. <3
