
Hey Hey

I've learned that some days I should not update my blog, some days are not created for negative emotions which I would probably write down here. Today is one of these days when I feel like useless shit, I'm really tired after monday gym visit and overall it's just Monday which was not a bad day, but somehow it always feels like I've to hate Mondays. Life is wonderful even thought today I'm tired and little bit unhappy. Remember that you have to be happy about everything you have! And be happy about yourself! :) 

I've to say that I had great weekend: Friday I with my friend Agate had great evening at our friend flat, it was not like project x party, but just few of people who usually get together. Next morning woke up drunk --> Went to my math teacher --> Went home --> Went to capital city to celebrate my brothers name day, had great time with family --> Went out with my friend Agate and then we suddenly found ourselves drinking cider with guys, haha. Finally I went out with my friends, because last two weekends I though that I'm going to die, it's so boring to sit home alone with your demons. I hope you all had great weekend and I wish that you all are having amazingly good week coming! 


5 komentāri:

  1. Oh I totally feel you... It's really hard to get in the happy mode sometimes. But as you said - we have to somehow embrace that and still find happiness in the little things. And you went to gym today? Damn it girl, that's a great thing (it takes me ages to get my ass on the move lol)!

    Have a great week!


    1. Right? We have to keep smiling! :)
      Thank you, I hope you will have great week too!

  2. Yummy! I'm so hungry because of this photos! :D

    I hope that you visit my blog too and maybe follow: SPIKED-SOUL.BLOGSPOT.COM :)
    Have a nice day!

    1. Thank you for stopping by, I will check out your blog for sure.

  3. Thank you! Nice to hear, really.
    I will check out your blog Jadiee.
