
May 10

Hey! How is it going? Nothing big happened to me today, in the morning woke up to give our mom mango cake with sister and brother, had breakfast with family and then I went straight to the work. Everything went smooth! And it's always such a fun when works one of my favourite colleagues - she's super funny and relaxed all the time. At least that's how I see her. :) 
I wanted to share with some photos today from yesterday, we had a little walk with Sis and took some photos as well. I wanted to improve lights and make photos just a bit darker but as usual PhotoScape damaged my photos. I just can't open them! I was so pissed off, but this time I knew what to do with them - at least PhotoScape have a folder `originals` so I took my original photos out and decided to try out PPE which didn't work as well because I had to resize photos to smaller ones. Nobody have time for that! So again I used Chrome app that never disappoints me - BeFunky photo editor. It's maybe not the best photo editor in the world, but it's the best editor that I've found. And I know that it's time for learning how to work with Photoshop! When I will get new computer I will try Photoshop, because this baby is getting older and older. So that's how it is. What photo editor do you use? Let me know! :)

Jacket (new) from Reserved
Tank top from Lindex

Jeans from H&M
Ted Baker clutch

Thomas Sabo bracelet

I think that I've said like millions times how happy I am about this cute little charm I got from my auntie! Whenever I look at it I realize how happy I am! I'm grateful about everything life gives to me, for every single thing in my life no matter if it's good or bad.

Hope everyone had wonderful day! Especially our mommies!!!


  1. That clutch is amazing! It's the perfect pop of color for spring.

  2. Žaketīte ir pelēka, ja?Ļoti patīk kā tā tā sader ar košo somiņu!:)
    Es izmantoju Photoscape, bija problēmas ar to ka ieliekot tur rediģētās bildes blogger.com, tām kaut kā tika izmainīta krāsa, un tās izskatījās citādāk nekā biju rediģējusi, bet tad es atklāju ka blogger setingos ir jāizmaina kaut kas (neatceros vairs kas :D) un tagad vairs nav ar to problēmas, bildes izskatās tā kā biju gribējusi. Tā kā manā gadījumā vaininieks bija blogger nevis photoscape.

    1. Jap, tā ir pelēka! Prieks dzirdēt! :)
      Mana problēma citādāka - es bildi pēc pārveidošanas vairs nevaru atvērt. Man jāizvēlas cita pārlūkprogramma un vienīgā ar ko es varu redzēt bildes 1/4 daļu ir paints, kas man galīgi neder :D Sadusmojos un izdzēsu PhotoScape pavisam, jo izmantoju viņu reti - samazināju bildes, pārveidoju gaismas, krāsas, bet neko vairāk. Jāsāk izmantot profesionālu programmu, nav ko niekoties! :D

  3. What pretty photos!! I love your bracelet.

    Blonde in Cashmere

  4. thank you so much Helena! Such a pleasure to hear...

    I will get back to your blog asap :)

  5. Tev piestāv ! Ļoti patika rokassprādze, jo man patīk ziloņi :D

  6. This bag is so cute :-* www.thepinkheartgirl.blogspot.de
