
Cyprus again. Part III

I decided to share a little bit more - today with some instagram photos! Actually, I should study right now - it's the last week before autumn holidays and as I haven't been in school for like 1 week.. I should really do something to raise my average grade. I will do it! But for now - enjoy few more pictures <3


First evening there. Oh my, oh my you can't imagine how long I sat on the balcony watching the sky and thanking God for chance to be there! Don't get me wrong, I'm normal, but you know -  you have to be grateful for everything that life gives to you! 

Tour day - our Latvian group arrived to some simple restourant for lunch. Two diffirent fish, shrimps, squids, octupus, fresh veggies and french fries! Hmn, I loved fish and shrimps. Squids was OK. And that's it. I didn't enjoy this meal, because my appetite was lost and nobody knows why. 

KEO - I loved this! Really good beer. I'm one of these girls who drink beer and I have to say, that I loved this - pretty simple taste and pretty similar to Latvian beer. 

Aphrodite bay. As I mentioned before - so beautiful place..

While waiting our bus some stray dog came to us. Of course I had to stroke him and it ended up with hugs and kisses and some friendly laughters. People around was like: ''Oh, so cute!'' It was so positive moment, even right now I'm looking at this photo and smiling.

Dates tree. Nothing new for me, but I just love this picture.

Chilling next to the pool. PERFECT! 

I'm not a big fan of nargile also known as waterpipe, but we had to try it - after all we were in Cyprus! 

Some cocktail.. 'Sex on the beach' as my sister said 'more like sex next to the pool'' haha

For first time in my life I visited Topshop. Such a disappointment!!! There was nothing to look at! Crazy.. I've always thought that my first Topshop visit will be just crazy because of wide range of offer. After all I just bought some lingerie. 

Last picture from my whole trip! We had to chancge our airplane, so I can say that I was in Antalya too, haha. :D Maybe someday soon I will travel around Antalya, maybe..

//All these pictures are made with my iPhone 5. Some of their quality is good, some photos are just bad, but at least I wish you enjoyed my thought about trip. I think that in future I will share with  few more photos, but for now that's it. Don't forget to check out my instagram! //
Have you ever been in Cyprus? Maybe in Turkey? What's your impression? Let me know!

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