
Hair care

Let's talk about hair care today! When I was a little girl I had short hair, something like carre cut and my hair was almost like platinum blonde (they were naturally like that). And I would love to have hair like that again, I know how nice hairstyle like that would suit me. Platinum blonde + carre cut = <3 But when I think about that I will have to say goodbye to my long hair.. I don't want it to happen, because I love long hair! I have always been that girl, with that hair for so long (read: people always said that I have so long & beautiful  hair and they just love that I'm naturally blonde).

My friends and relatives *It was 2 or maybe 3 years ago* always said - you have so good looking, undamaged hair. How do you take care of them? I always said - nothing! And they didn't understand. But it was true - I just washed them with shampoo and conditioner and let them naturally dry, that's it! I didn't use oils, masks, hairdryer or straightener, because I didn't know why the hell I should need them. I didn't know NOTHING about beauty world and hair care either. I didn't know why I should try oils or masks; I didn't have straightener and hairdryer I just didn't used because I was to lazy to stand next to mirror and dry my hair - my hair was so thick, that I had to dry my hair about 20 minutes as well.

So, I was just a little girl, who didn't care about her hair and when I look back - it worked! But years went so fast, I started to grow up and I started to wonder about beauty products - masks in hair roots, oils in hair ends, then again but another combo; I started to use hairdryer because and I started to use hair straightener, because I wanted my hair long and straight from roots too ends. I started to worry about my hair a little bit more that I did before. And now my hair is damaged as hell. They're so thin, sooo thin. And my roots are so damaged.. They have never been as ugly as they are now.

Why I decided to talk about my hair today? Because I wanted to intruduce you all with my situation and ask to you all: What to do with my hair? I want them thick and healthy. So what do you recommend? Which products and why? What should I stop to do with my hair? What kind of natural masks you can recommend? Let me know!

My hair about 2 years ago. (I think that I have never before had so long hair, back then they were just OK, but you can see that hairs ends was damaged)
~ 1 year ago. Few days after hairdresser visit. 

This summer. As you can see, ends are totally damaged.

6 komentāri:

  1. Es ieteiktu kokosriekstu eļļu- vienkārši, lēti un dabīgi. Es parasti paturu to nedaudz samitrinātos matos apmēram stundu pirms mazgāšanas. Pēc pirmās lietošanas mati ir viegli ķemmēji, bet pēc kādas 5tās mani mati kļuva daudz spīdīgāki un vispār izskatījās skaistāk:)

    1. Liels Tev paldies! Līdz šim esmu dzirdējusi tikai par diždadžu eļļu matiem, bet kokosriekstu eļļa skan daudz labāk! :)

  2. Atbildes
    1. Varbūt jau ka skaisti ir, bet sabojāti jau nu nežēlīgi. :/ Paldies!

  3. My hair was that long but I had 9 inches cut off in august x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness
