
And again, what else I can say - time runs too fast! I'm saying this because my teeth hurts so bad and I've just month left to visit all my doctors: family doctor, dentist + teeth sanitarian (can't find better translation) and another doctors. I'm turning 18 next month, how crazy is that? And till that all my doctor visits are for free, so I've to take my last chance. School is ending next week, Christmas ball and another measures oh, so much to do! But I'm here writing this, to you all, so you will know that I'm still alive and I'm going to update blog soon! Right now I've to pack my things and then I'm meeting with my friends, we have so much work to do tonight! I'm not going to spend this night at home, so I'm going to talk with you guys tomorrow! Stay tunned, kisses! :)
My photo. Have to work hard - it will pay off anytime soon! 

8 komentāri:

  1. Heh,man arī drīz paliek 18 un es iešu pie visiem ārstiem. high5 :D

  2. Oh, you mean a dental hygienist hahah, someone who is specialized in cleaning the teeth and stuff like that! My birthday is also next month, on the 9th of January, when is yours? Have fun with your friends ;)

    1. Yes! I mean dental hygienist! My english is not that good and I really had no time to search the right translation, just wanted to update my blog. Thank you for helping me out. :)

      This is so cool! My birthday is on the 9th of January too! Amazing, haha. :)

    2. Haha no problem, seriously, what a coincidence! Too bad I'm only turning 16 otherwise it would been so funny!

    3. Right? Haha. Oh, sweet 16! It's going to be such a beautiful time in your life! :)

    4. Hhaha yeah I hope so, i feel bad for you, here in Holland, when you turn 18 you're basically let loose as in, you need to pay everything for yourself and handle everything by yourself!

    5. It's same here in Latvia! That's why I've to visit all my doctors before turning 18, it's favorable for me right now haha. So enjoy all free doctor visits while you're not 18, hehe. :)
