
Heels! Let's talk about heels!

Hello my lovely readers! How's your day? My was fine! I had just few lessons at school, then I with closest of my girls went to my place. I made pasta with cheese for them. We chilled a little bit with champagne and talked about heels and stuff like that as Christmas ball at school is coming. And I wanted to talk about same topic with you guys.

So, I'm 1,77 meters tall. And I don't have any pair of heels(!), because I though that I'm to tall to wear heels, but I've always loved shoes with big heel. The reasons why I don't buy any heels - I know that probably I won't wear them, as I'm too tall. But this year (Actually some months ago) I decided that I should wear heels to Christmas ball. I wish that I will found some beautiful shoes which will be perfect for attending ball and at the same I will be able to wear them any time soon again. /// What do you think of tall girls and big heels? Are you one of them? Any complex? I will be so happy if you will share with me!

These heels are my latest found! Love them! 


  1. Es esmu apmēram 175 cm, kas arī ir virs vidējā garuma, bet man patīk nēsāt augstpapēžu kurpes. Protams, 15cm augstumā virs zemes katru dienu nestaigāju;D, bet tādi vienkārši, wedge tipa apavi man ļoti patīk:)

    1. Prieks, ka ar savu garumu staigā augstpapēžu kurpēs! :) Laikam jau, ka arī man ir pēdējais laiks pienācis.

  2. beautiful.love the heels very fierce
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  3. I wish I was as tall as you! I feel that heels could only add to your outfit and make you look more model-esque.



    1. I wish I was about 1.70-1.74 tall so I could wear high heels everyday haha:)

  4. Those heels are so cool, very modern and a bit edgy. I can picture them going with lots of different outfits. I wish I could pull off heels but I'm terribly awkward in them - can hardly walk :p

    1. I'm sure that I can't walk either. Need to practise more! I'm going to start from tomorrow!

  5. Noteikti nejūties neērti ar papēžiem , Tev ir modeles augums un vinas visas tacu valka high heels :) manuprāt vienkārši jaatrod saskana ar sevi , man arī ir bijis kad liekas nē , es nevaru atlauties valkat to vai šito , bet pienāk laiks Savai lietai , kad TU saproti , jā , es jūtos labi un nekādi kompleksi ..man ir daudz papēži bet diemžēl ikdienā nesanak tik bieži valkat , uz svinībām vienmēr ..lai jauka Diena ..

    1. Šis komentārs mani ļoti iepriecināja! Paldies! :) Pāris dienas atpakaļ nopirku zābaciņus ar papēdi, laiks mācīties staigāt un justies labi ar papēžiem! Arī tev jauku dienu. :)
