
Sunday tattle & New in

You know what makes me happy and sad at the same time? My favorite serial ever - Sex and the City. OK, maybe some of you know that I've been watching it just 2 weeks (I'm watching season 3) but I've never been so curious about every serial. Now back at the point I was talking about - why it makes me happy and sad both? Because I just love those 4 wonderful womans - beautiful, strong, self-confident & knows what they want from life. Everything seems so real and they all are so honest to each other. And New York City oh my oh. Overall - I just love this Sex & the City and there are just 6 seasons and 2 films. And if I know right - that's it, no more SATC. It's so annoying, because I would love to watch SATC for ever and ever. So that's why I'm sad while watching Sex & the City. Maybe it's such a stupid reason to be sad, but you know right now SATC is just like bible. Not a sex bible but more like life bible, haha, don't get me wrong.

I wanted to (FINALLY) share with my newest buy - leopard print jumper from Zara and gift from my lovely aunt Paul Smith cardigan! So here are some pictures.

Leo print jumper from Zara

Paul Smith cardigan

How was your weekend? 

6 komentāri:

  1. Jāpiekrīt par šo filmu - man arī šķiet ka varēja jau vēl kādu sezonu uzfilmēt, ir bēdīgi ka vairs nebūs jaunas sērijas, nekad vairs..
    Leopardīgais džemperīts ļoti patīk - vienu brīdi biju zaudējusi interesi par to, bet tagad atkal sāk piesaistīt!:)

    1. Tieši tā! Un nav jau nekā cita - tik pat laba ko paskatīties..
      Jā, it īpaši leopardīgie aksesuāri sākuši piesaistīt :)

  2. Otrais džemperis ir dievīgs!!! (:


  3. Lovee the leopard sweater!!
    And I totally get what you mean, Desperate Housewives, Gossip Girl and Ugly Betty are also over!
    My life is over.. :( You might be sad now, but just wait for the last episode that's you when you realize it's seriously over!!

    1. Right? It so sad, because serials which are made in 2012/13 aren't as good as old ones, because GG, SATC or Desperate Housewives was something good and REAL!
      Oh, I can't wait for the last episode.. :(
