
Let's do this!

Do you feel it guys? (Talking with all those who live near to me, he) OK, it's just January and it's really cold outside, but hey that sun which is shining all the time lately make me feel like it's spring already! But yeah, probably it's just me because I always get too excited when we think/talk/dream about spring. Naive me. Yesterday was just great! After easy day at school I with my best friend went to capital city. We were going to buy wristwatch for her, but unfortunately we didn't bought it, so we're going to Riga someday soon again. We had big pizza with spicy chicken & pineapples for lunch with some orange grog because we wanted to warm up ourselves. Then we had a walk to nearest shopping mall Galerija Centrs, we checked what's new in H&M and I finally found something that I wanted for so long!!! *You will see photo of it below.* Bought few more things for me, nothing big or special so I decided not to share with these things this time. (May I say that as usually I'm not going to share with new things because I just always forgot to? *I'm sorry*) So we walked around and then we decided to relax with some cocktails before going home. I had stawnberry mojito which was just great. Then we went to buy sweets for my brother and then we had to go to bus station to go home. I was home really early, thanks to my best girls friend who brought us home with his car. I had so great mood yesterday and today too, I wish it will be as good as it is all week!
Below: few photos from yesterday & lately from my instagram

 Cute birthday gift in really cute box. <3

Flowers from my loved ones. //Birthday. 

Half of my best friends & best party bunch! Love these girls! 

Orange grog. Oh it was so good.

Pizza with spicy chicken and pineapple topping. 

When I'm eating @ Čilli Pica I'm always having this - mascarpone, ice cream and meringue dessert with black currants. Love it!!! 

Bought white jacket! Wanted something like this for so long time. Can't wait for spring/summer season to wear it! I've imagined so many nice outfits already. <3

Fresh stawnberry mojito

Stenders is having huge sale right now, so if you've Stenders shop near to you - go check it out.

How did you spend your first working/school day? I wish you all will have great and successful week!

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