
Which ones?

Hello. How are you guys? I'm fine. Yesterday I wanted to stay at home, to relax and study a little bit to my math test which I've to write next week. But one of my friends said:''Oh come on, let's do something tonight!'' I thought:''Nop!'' And then I got text message from my bestie, we had short conversation and I thought:''Yh, why not?'' Quick shower and I was ready to go! Went to Lāsma's place, we had short gossip and then we already was at our friend place. Chilly night with friends, which for me ended up at local bar again, but I was there just for few songs, to dance and then I went home. Having little bit hangover feeling today, but whatever, night was good! Today I went to my math teacher and now I'm waiting for some info about tonight, can't decided what to do tonight! But seems that I'm going to sit home, because I really want to relax! And how about you? 

I wanted to post collage of Nike running & other shoes - I'm thinking of getting some for myself. But which ones? Do I really need running shoes if I'm not running, just working out but never outside? So maybe I should get just some Air Max for me for everyday routine? Can you recommend me something?!

Let me know what do you think about these beauties!
Kisses <3 


  1. Ja tu tiešām neskrien, un ikdienā tikai mājās trenejies, tad izvēlies botas, kas patīk, kā izskatās. Ja tu ietu skriet, tad būtu jāizvēlās ļoti labas skriešanas botas, lai būtu ērti, un netraumētu locitavas ar nepiemērotiem apaviem.

  2. all of them are look nice, black is look nice no matter what kind of clothes you match it with, so I would say black :)
    Care to follow back http//:bowsbyrose.blogspot.com Thanks!

  3. Sometimes, I just want to stay in instead of go out too Too much going on and winding down at home is sometimes the best way to relax.

    And ahh I so love these Nike sneakers - I feel like I'd go for the black ones because I always get my shoes dirty and stains wouldn't show up on the black ones as quickly. Plus they'd go with everything! :]

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

    1. Yep, I agree with you.

      Right? I also think that the black ones would be the best choice, but on the other hand maybe I should risk and buy colorful Nike sneakers or maybe grey ones because I really like them.. Will see!

  4. I loved each one of them, especially the multi-colored one :)) So pretty and look really gorgeous :D Very well written post ^_^


    1. I love the colorful ones! They're just gorgeous, right? Thank you Arpita! :))

  5. I also like to stay home sometimes after a whole if school all I really want is to chill in my room.

    You should the Nike Roshe Run! They're great, I have one pair. It feels like you're walking on clouds! But the Airmax 1 in the collage are also gorgeous!

    1. I agree, I enjoy weekends in which I'm alone in my room with good music, fashion blogs, tea & candles and sleeping till noon next day.

      I will think about Nike Roshe Run! It's actually really hard to decide which ones I like, but thank you for your point of view. :)

  6. Es arī tieši nesen apsvēru domu par jaunu skriešanas kurpju iegādi, man manējās vecās ir kopš, ja nemaldo, 9. klases! :D
    Labprāt iegādātos Nike air max, bet nu laikam vispirms naudiņu jāpakrāj! :D


    1. Man manas sporta kurpes ir kopš kāda 6. varbūt 7. klases, pilnīgi nozeltītas nike kedas, haha, tāpēc jāsāk vien krāt!!! :D
