
New Year & New dress

It was so hard to wake up this morning. I'm fighting with my sleeping problem lately, sounds stupid, but I'm waking up about 1 PM, sometimes 2 PM and it's hard to fall asleep early, so I'm in my bed about 12 AM but I really fall asleep about 2, 2:30 PM. OK, for others it's nothing but for me.. Pretty hard when I'm thinking about everything. If it's something good I get too excited and obvious I can't fall asleep. If it's something bad, I start to feel afraid of something what doesn't exist. I'm just afraid that again my vegetative dystonia will come back. If you know what is that sh#t, you will understand me. Anyway, I woke up about third time when my aunt called me. I ran downstairs to open doors for her, she invited me & my family to celebrate her name day which will be this saturday and then she took me to the post office, so I finally received my order - dress from Missguided. I like it. It's pure white and there isn't any defects. Missguided have never disappointed me, so I'm really happy, that finally, after three weeks of waiting I can touch my dress. 
Below - sneak peek of my dress! You can still find it HERE!

(Photos are not so good, because it was pretty cloudy outside. Taken with iPhone5) 

Tell me how do you celebrated New Year? I'm curios to know! I met my girls and then we went to my best friends boyfriend place, few more people came and we had a blast! One of the best New Years Eve I have had. First day of a year was pretty much nothing - all day in bed + water & food. Yep! #hangover.


  1. Āa, kā man patīk kleitas un svārki ar peplum`u :))
    Jauno gadu nosvinēju ģimenes un draugu lokā! ;)

    1. Man patīk gan topi, gan svārki, gan kleitas, bet jāatzīst, ka šī ir pirmā peplum tipa kleita. :D
      Prieks dzirdēt, man šogad ar ģimeni galīgi nesanāca nosvinēt, hehe.

  2. VD ir mazs mošķītis ar kuru jātiek galā, pati labi zinu! :) Kleita burvīga! Es arī draugu lokā svinēju Jauno gadu, bija forši, tagad jāgaida, ko gads atnesīs sev līdzi! :)

    1. Piekrītu, tomēr nekad nevar zināt, kad viņš (atkal) būs klāt. Vismaz manā gadījumā.
      Paldies! :) Tiešā tā, ceru, ka gads būs veiksmīgs!

  3. I met my best friend and we drank :P You look great in the pictures. I have to say.

    Defining Me

  4. Ahh it's annoying when you cant sleep especially if you really want to sleep haha i sure know about that! Try to make your room as dark as possible when youre sleeping phones tablets laptops etc turned off should really help!
    Your dress is beautiful btw!!

    I hope you get some rest soon ;)


    1. My room is pretty dark already, so I don't really know why the hell it's so hard to fall asleep? :D Maybe I shouldn't sleep until afternoon. But when I don't nothing really changes, but still thank you for recommendations. Hehe, thank you!

  5. show us more .. show us more of the dress... wishing you a successful and happy 2014!

  6. Ahh, kleitiņa izskatās debešķīga! Labprāt gribētu redzēt kā viņa kopumā izskatās uz tevis! :)
    Es Jauno gadu sagaidīju ar draugiem, cepām gaļu :D, gājām pirtī & sēdējām āra baļļā & skatījāmies kā apkārtējie kaimiņi šauj salūtu! :)


    1. Būs vēl viena bildīte šodien, centīšos sagatavot rakstiņu. :)
      Hoho, izklausās pēc riktīgi labā pasākuma, it īpaši cept gaļu :D Prieks, ka labi pavadīji laiku! :)
