

As I have new phone and I finally have instagram - you can follow me! Click on THIS link, to see my profile. I don't post pictures too often right now, but in future I will be more active. So follow me if you're interested! Keep smiling everyone :)


4 komentāri:

  1. Atbildes
    1. Viena no paklausīgākajām, gudrākajām & skaistākajām kaķenītēm kas man jeb kad ir bijusi! Un nevar atrast mājās! :(

  2. Aww your cat is so cute! As soon as I set up an instagram account for my blog I'll follow you - I'm waiting to get a new phone too as the camera on my current one is broken :[

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

    1. Thank you! I would love to follow you too, I wish you will get your new phone as soon as possible :) x
